Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The shadow realm is a difficult concept for many to grasp. It is comparable to the Christian beliefs in heaven and hell, in that it is a dark place full of malevolent spirits. These spirits are capable of rational thought, yet lack the physical body. As a result, they are emotionless. These spirits thrive off of knowledge. For them, the ultimate knowledge lies in the understanding of emotion and the physical world. They can only achieve this knowledge by acquiring a physical body. This is why they are so intent on possessing the human body. While they truly don't care about us, they are after our bodies.

These spirits can not hurt us unless we have invited them to. They are very powerful, and can be asked for favors in your life. I advise against this.

Visiting the Shadow Realm is usually reserved for those wishing to inflict harm on others. I will not speak openly of this utilization of the Shadow Realm, nor will I discuss ways to reach it. However, I will describe what I see and what can be accomplished through this realm.

Keep an eye out for my next blog where I discuss fear and what to expect when visiting the Shadow Realm.

May your own, individual faiths guide you in your journey :-)


Welcome to the Shadow Blog. Here I will try to address the neo-Shamanic Shadow Realm as best as I can.

May your own, individual faiths guide you in your journey.